Lieven Yperman
Creative Developer
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I present

My Resume

It took me a while to transform my professional career from sales to software development. It has been a difficult decision to make, but the best leap I ever took!

Every day I realise I'm developing skills I'm excited about.

Some Past & Current Projects

2022 05 Antwerpen

dotNETlab - Techorama

I created a slot roulette application for our dotNETlab booth at the Techorama event in Kinepolis Antwerp: Blazor WebAssembly ASP.NET Core hosted app, real-time communication between pages with SignalR, CSS animation synchronized with sound, Azure AD B2C, Azure web app, Azure SQL, Azure SignalR Service.

2021 08 - 2022 04Ramsel

dotNETlab - Build Software

Greenfield project: Blazor WebAssembly app, ASP.NET Core API, Clean Architecture, Entity Framework Core Code First, bUnit, xUnit, hosted in Azure Web App, Azure SQL, Azure Storage, Azure Active Directory B2C with custom policies, full-stack development & deployment.

2020 01 - 2021 07Kontich


Main application: .NET, C#, Entity Framework, T-SQL, SQL DB

Test application: built from scratch, Blazor app, ASP.NET Core hosted in Azure Web App, Azure SQL, Azure Storage, Azure Active Directory, full-stack development & deployment, csv file upload to Azure Blob Storage.

2019 11 - 30-day budgetWielsbeke


Internal ordering application, built from scratch, Razor Pages in ASP.NET Core, Bootstrap 4, deployed to Azure App Service, Entity Framework Code First, SQL db, Azure Active Directory, file upload to Azure Blob Storage.

2019 05 - 2019 10Brussels - Antwerp

Proximus - Icapps

Proximus Pickx App, to watch TV on your mobile. Transform and process back-end data for the Xamarin layer. .NET, C#.

2018 10 - 2019 05Antwerp


Project "Inname Openbaar Domein, Applicatie Signalisatie Grote Werven, Antwerpen”. Development of front-end stories in angular 5, .NET back-end, C#.

2018 02 - 2018 10Edegem

Euromex Insurance

Full stack development, Knockout.js, .NET back-end, SQL db

2017 06 - 2017 12Linkeroever Antwerp

Mediahuis - Mobile News Apps

.NET, C#, Selenium, Appium

2016 10 - 2017 06Linkeroever Antwerp

Mediahuis - News Websites