Lieven Yperman
Creative Developer
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07 nov 2020 - Deep Space

A Concept About Dimensions

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floating sphere
0th Dimension


Nothing more but pure information.

1st Dimension

Connecting The Dots

One element of the first dimension is a dot.

If we take infinite dots, we will get a line.

colorful crystal ball
2nd Dimension


One element of the second dimension is a line.

If we take infinite lines, the result is a plane.

3rd Dimension


One element of the third dimension is a plane.

If we take infinite planes, we get space.

colorful crystal ball
4th Dimension


One element of the fourth dimension is a space.

If we imagine the fourth dimension being time, one element of the 4th dimension is exactly one moment in the space universe. Meaning that the universe in its current state is one of the infinite elements of the 4th dimension.

If we take infinite spaces and place it in a fourth dimension concept of time, we get space through time or in other words the representation of the history and future of our entire universe...


Let's Dive Deeper

5th Dimension

One element of the 5th dimension is one history of a whole universe.

The fifth dimension as a whole is every possible history of the universe. That means it contains every possible outcome for every event in the history of the universe.

6th Dimension

This could get beyond human comprehension. If you continue reading don't blame me for brain damage or imploding your brain into a wormhole...

One element of the sixth dimension contains all possible states and evolutions from that state of a universe.

The sixth dimension as a whole contains not only every possible universe, but also every possible concept of physical constants.

7th dimension and beyond

Every possible concept of logical and physical laws.

If we go even further, we get every possible concept of existence itself...

Keep in Mind

This is a model for understanding a concept. It's not how it really works, it's a way to understand. If you reflect about how our universe started to exist and what the first of all events was, you have to realise that time is just one dimension of many. Our understanding of time is that one thing happens after the other.

Physics tell us that time and cause are only purely concepts of our minds. We happen to live in a universe with physical laws that allow consciousness to exist and travel along the 4th dimensional "line". We are just seeing one moment after the other, in fact the history of our universe just exists, not in a particular order. It's a line, the line always exists, it goes infinitly into the future and past. There is no first or last, it is like written in a book that has never been written, we are reading it, but how you read it or where you start, depends on who is reading it.

Maybe the question is not why anything exists, but if anything does not exist...


Related Dimensional Patterns
Food for a next project...